Kill that Winter Car Feeling
Kill that Winter car feeling
There is nothing is worse than that cold, winter car feeling, when you get into your car en route to work sitting there rubbing your hands trying to keep warm.
Driving when you are really cold can be a little dangerous as you won’t have full control over your reactions etc. So it’s important to make sure you get rid of that cold winter car feeling before taking off.
If you find the idea of getting up to a pitch black sky at daft o’clock, then you won’t be too keen of sitting in the car waiting for it to heat up, either!
So what can you do to make your commute to work a little more enjoyable and a little less frozen?
Remote Starters
You might think this winter car warmer is just for James Bond, but remote car starters are dirt cheap and hugely common these days.
Your car engine can take a little while to get up to running speed in the colder months, so giving it a few minutes to warm up while you finish off your coffee can be really helpful. Although this is a theft hazard in some parts of the world, it’s a really useful way to stop the cold really taking over your journey. Just check the legality of it all first.
Spare Heat Clothing
Blankets, big jackets and other useful clothing in the back of your car (hidden, again you don’t want to entice any thieves) can be a logical winter car warmer. To help you heat up in the mornings, why not simply try putting on a few of these clothes as a winter car warmer.
Work From Home
I say why go into a cold car if you don’t have to?
Many businesses allow their staff to work from home, and why not? It’s more enjoyable for you, it stops you messing you around at work, and if you don’t have something tangible to show for the end of the day then you’ll be in serious trouble with the boss anyway! So for a winter car warmer why not simply kick back and relax at home instead of heading into work!
Heated Car Seats
Ah, the winter car warmer dream!
Heated car seat can be very cost-effective winter car warmer. You can find them online and in car stores all across the place. Please be aware, though, that they can be pretty sore to sit on if you don’t turn them down – it works kind of like a toaster, so be prepared to turn them off when they get a little too warm!
These simple winter car warmer tips should get you moving in the mornings. There’s no need to let your job become a drag – if you can work from home). But using these tip before traveling to work by car in the morning will help you to turn up nice and warm, certainly helping to make a day dealing with moody clients that much easier.
To health and vehicle happiness
Your fearless mechanic,