Finding An Honest Local Mechanic
Finding An Honest Local Mechanic
Anyone that knows me well will tell you that I take pride in what I do. You know… I like to do the job right first time to make my customers happy.
So if a customer brings back their vehicle because we did something incorrectly, I feel it. Not only can it hurt business, but also in turn our reputation and worst still the customer may never use our services ever again. Not Good.
Recently a buddy of mine ran a survey with the question: “Do you trust your mechanic?” And we were surprised to see that 48% of those that responded said no.
Yeah I said it 48%!
The way I see it… if you didn’t trust your doctor… I bet your bottom dollar you’ll find another one.
So a question is: If you don’t trust your local mechanic, why bring your car back to them in the first place?
Honest local mechanic
Your local mechanic is very much like your local doctor. He should have that bedside manner to diagnose and treat your car ailments. In fact… in my opinion your local mechanic actually has to be better than your doctor, because your car can’t tell him where it really hurts.
I’ve been in the business for a long time, and would like to think that at Xavier Auto Clinic we have built up genuine relationships with our customers. Our customers are important to us, not only because they help to pay the bills but also because most of them become friends.
The industry has a saying: “There’s never enough time to do the job right the first time, but there’s always enough time to do it right the second time.”
It’s no wonder then that 48% of people want to work with a local mechanic they can trust. And with a little homework, you won’t be far from making that a reality, saving you money and time.
8 Top Tips to finding an Honest Local Mechanic
1. Fail to prepare and prepare to fail.
You don’t want to wait until you break down on Kensington High Street before you find an honest local mechanic.
Cars cost money, so shop around before you need car repairs. Prevention is better than a cure, and DIY simple vehicle maintenance and periodic checks, is the best way to keep your car running smoothly to avoid costly repairs.
2. References
If you were looking to register with a doctor, you want to know they are good – right? And a good practitioner will give you references. Your Local mechanic should be just as accommodating. Trust me… when it comes down to car mechanics a few minutes on the phone checking references will go a long way to making sure you don’t get ripped off.
3. Recommendations
Personal recommendations account for 60% of all car-buying decisions.
Referrals and recommendations really work, because if the mechanic messes up they not only run the risk of losing the new customer but also of disappointing and potentially losing the referrer.
4. Good Garage Scheme
Check out The Good Garage Scheme for a list of professional and review based Garages in your local area you can trust.
5. Every heard the saying…
“Quality is not expensive, it’s priceless.” Or “You pay cheap you pay twice”. This is never more important than when looking for a local mechanic. It’s Simple…. don’t shop based on price alone.
I know things can be challenging with the economy and all that jazz, but it’s important to remember that you’re not just paying for the cost of the parts and labour. You’re also paying for the professionalism and technical expertise to get the job done right. Snooze on this one and you could loose big.
6. A picture will tell you…
You’ve heard it before… and I will say it again, a picture will tell you a thousand words. So if you rock up to a local mechanic and their garage looks like a health hazard ready to happen, or it just doesn’t seem to have the correct equipment to diagnose your car, think twice, ask the right questions and trust your gut.
I hope that helps, but if in doubt feel free to get in touch we’d be happy to help.
To health and vehicle happiness
Your fearless Mechanic,